
How to sleep well when your 200 developers deploy apps every day

The whitepaper that describes a mature Development and Deployment Process


ServiceNow DevTools

Code library and tools for
ServiceNow developers

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ServiceNow CodeSanity

Validate source code
and apps


ServiceNow Deployer

Automate your CICD pipeline


ServiceNow R-IDE

The React-based IDE - a Studio alternative


ServiceNow ArtificialDeveloper

Perform Test-Driven Code generation


ServiceNow Agile

Manage agile software projects and deployments

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ServiceNow Reactor

Create React-based
user experiences

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ServiceNow Runbook

Renders an operations runbook
for an instance


ServiceNow DataSanity

Check data validity in production


ServiceNow DataSilos

DataSilos is
a lightweight approach
to data segregation

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ServiceNow SelfCare

The SelfCare app
creates incidents
based on log artifacts

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ServiceNow Airline

Manage your airline


ServiceNow Parcel

Tracks parcels

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ServiceNow Crisis

The Crisis app helps to organize the response to a crisis.

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ServiceNow FastLane

A simple shop and order management process

Start shopping

ServiceNow GeoData

Provide additional
data about countries

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ServiceNow ChatGPT

Connect to the OpenAI API and communicate with ChatGPT.


ServiceNow Investor

Manage investment portfolios


ServiceNow Downloads

The Downloads app
makes files available
for download to users

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ServiceNow GameOfLife

The game of life implemented with React(or). Enjoy.


ServiceNow KoliBri

Combine the web component library to build accessible web applications with ServiceNow

Start building

ServiceNow PreSales

Estimate efforts for ServiceNow projects

Start selling